For a better smile, or even the best smile you ought to achieve, you need to understand a couple of things:
Be true to your teeth, and they won't be false to you!
Remember, five minutes of toothbrushing will not remove six months of tartar calculus and plaque.
Dentistry is not expensive, but ignorance and assumptions make it expensive.
Your smile is our responsibility, and to achieve that responsibility, you and we should be working toward a mutual goal.
We offer value-added oral treatments and solutions to every problem regarding your smile. We are open and welcoming to every essential oral treatment in our clinic.
We are open from:
Monday - Saturday from 8.00 a.m. - 8.00 p.m.
Sunday from 8.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m.
Our services include:
General dental check up.
Full-mouth scaling and polishing
Tooth fillings and sealants
Root canal treatment
Extractions and dis-impactions
Dentures and crowns
Pediatric Dentistry.
Surgical exposures
Dental Splinting
Visit us or give us a call at any time, and we will answer.
Nairobi Branch ICEA Building (JKUAT Towers)2nd floor, Kenyatta Avenue.
Thika Branch Maisha Heights Building, ground floor, Kenyatta Highway
Nairobi Branch: 0714481158
Thika Branch: 0720886030